Monday, April 8, 2019

Week 12: April 8 - 12

Welcome to Week 12!

MONDAY:  After completing today's bell ringer assignment, the students and I discussed how to write an accurate written response as we discussed both "correct" and "incorrect" student responses.  Those who had created all correct responses to Friday's homework assignment then turned in their work to me.  All other students were assigned the task of correcting their mistakes and then turning in their assignments tomorrow after their corrections have been made.
Homework: Fix all of the mistakes from Friday's homework assignment, and study for tomorrow's vocabulary quiz.

TUESDAY:  After completing today's bell ringer (exception: 7th period due to Code Red drill), the students took a vocabulary quiz.  After completing the quiz, the students were instructed to read, annotate, and complete the practice problems for Lesson 16.

Homework: Finish reading, annotating, and completing the practice problems for Lesson 16.

WEDNESDAY:  After completing the bell ringer, we discussed the answers to the Logical Fallacies Quiz.  Next, the students were assigned the task of completing an addition to their Logical Fallacies Study guide on a separate sheet of paper, incorporating the 3 distracting techniques of Lesson 16 and using the same format as the study guide they have already completed.  See below for a visual example of how they were required to get started on this assignment.
Homework: Finish the assignment which was begun in class.

THURSDAY:  In today's class period, I led the students through a discussion of the 3 distracting techniques. The students learned the answers to the practice problems the should have completed for homework, and they watched 3 short video clips (see below) that further explained the distracting techniques. Finally, the students broke out into small groups to create one example of a distracting technique which they will present to the class tomorrow.
Homework:  Complete the group work if it was not completed during class.

Red Herring video

Ad Hominem video

Straw Man video

FRIDAY: After completing the bell ringer assignment for today, the students were given back their vocabulary quiz, and I announced the correct answers to the quiz.  Next, the students presented the distracting technique created by their group yesterday in class.  Finally, I gave the students a worksheet to help them develop an understanding of how all of the logical fallacies, including the distracting techniques, fit together.  They were asked to complete the Logical Fallacies Summary worksheet by doing the following things:
1. List all 11 fallacies we have covered in class.
2. Write the type of reasoning on the left side margin (see below) that correlates to the logical fallacy next to it.
3. Create a "helpful hint" next to each fallacy that will help the student remember the meaning of each fallacy.
 If they did not finish this assignment during class, they were told to finish this assignment for homework.
Homework:  Complete the Logical Fallacies Summary worksheet given in class.

This week's BELL RINGER assignments:

MONDAY: Correct the grammar.
1. ms ashford our senator shaked our hands at the dinner meeting
2. the president of the perfect cat food company exclaimed thats the most large cat i have ever seen

TUESDAY:  Correct the grammar.
1. in this issue of planet, there is a article called learning to recycle
2. politeness a sense of humor and respect for other people ms smith stated can help you in any job

WEDNESDAY:  Correct the grammar.
1. i have began therefore to do these things find there addresses send out invitations and contact youre friends
2. because it snowed we did not taked the children to the Game

THURSDAY: Correct the grammar.
1. have you read midnight thunder mr toscas exciting short story
2. they went to the stewpot restaurant for breakfast and then they drived to the river

FRIDAY: Correct the grammar.
1. she has spoke several languages such as spanish italian and gaelic during her stay
2. although she was the smaller girl of the group she performed good

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