Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Week of October 1 - 5

This week we will finish up Habit #3 (Monday-Wednesday) and jump into THE PUBLIC VICTORY!

On Monday and Tuesday the students learned about how to move from their COMFORT ZONE into their COURAGE ZONE as a way to "Put First Things First".  They also learned the importance of IDENTIFYING THEIR FEARS and then consciously making a CHOICE (Be Proactive) to try to move out of their fears by stepping into their courage zone, another way to practice Habit #3.

In class, the students completed the following worksheet, and I collected it on Tuesday.

As part of our study of Habit #3, we discussed the following ways to deal with PEER PRESSURE:

How to Handle Peer Pressure:
1. Remove yourself from the environment.
2. Care more about what YOU think of you than what your peers think of you.
3. Find a friend who puts POSITIVE PEER PRESSURE on you to be your best.
4. Build your PBA.
5. Write your mission statement (and look at it often) and set SMART goals (and do them!).

On Wednesday, the students will learn that Habit #3 is the hardest habit to master because it requires DISCIPLINE. Also on Wednesday, we will begin our study of THE PUBLIC VICTORY: The RBA, Habit #4, Habit #5, and Habit #6.  We will focus our learning on the Relationship Bank Account (RBA) on Thursday. To help in our understanding of this concept, the students will be given an RBA worksheet to complete during class.

I will also be completing a NOTEBOOK CHECK on Thursday and Friday. 

On Friday, the students will take a QUIZ covering the following concepts:
Habit #1
Habit #2
Habit #3
Private Victory
Public Victory
The Car Analogy

Bell Ringer's This Week:

Monday:  (1) Draw and label the "time quadrants" on your bell ringer page.
                (2) In each box, write one activity you did this weekend that fits in that quadrant.
Tuesday: Why do you think Habit #3 is the hardest habit to master?
Wednesday: Write the following sentence and fill in the blank with one word:
                     "The hardest habit to master is Habit #3 because it requires ________________."
Thursday: Write down the names of 2-3 people who are most important to you.  Next, make a list of
                  the things you do to nurture (take care of) your relationship with these people.
Friday: What are some benefits from having many RBAs?

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